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Recruitment of a post-doctoral contract for the LUE-B4B Project: Extraction, Purification, and Encapsulation of Biomolecules
Principal Investigator: Stéphane DESOBRY
Job Description:
The LUE-B4B project, in collaboration with European laboratories and industries, aims to conduct research on the valorization of biomolecules derived from marine resources (algae and microalgae).
The objective of this program is to establish methods for the extraction, purification, and encapsulation of natural biomolecules with biological activities that can be applied in the fields of nutrition and health, human or veterinary health products, or in cosmetic and food ingredients.
To achieve these objectives, we plan to strengthen the research team at the Biomolecule Engineering Laboratory (LIBio) by recruiting a fixed-term research engineer.
Project Overview:
Assigned to LIBio:
This one-year position will be based at the LIBio - Laboratoire d'Ingénierie des Biomolécules (Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France)
The target start date for the position is January 1, 2025, with some flexibility on the exact start date.
Applicants are requested to submit the following materials:
Deadline for application is November 29, 2024. Applicants will be interviewed by the selection Commission by December 17, 2024.
Applications are only accepted through email.
All document must be sent to stephane.desobry@univ-lorraine.fr
Location : Nancy, Lorraine, France
Grant : Gross annual salary €27,252
Duration : 1 year
Université de Lorraine promotes innovation through the dialogue of knowledge, taking advantage of the variety and strength of its scientific fields...
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