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Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film (HFF)

Zur Website

Über den Arbeitgeber

The University of Television and Film Munich (HFF) was founded in 1966. Its premises are based at Bernd-Eichinger-Platz, right in the centre of the Munich Kunstareal. All degree courses are taught under one roof here, including Feature Film and Television Feature, Documentary Film and Television Journalism, Production and Media Business, Cinematography and Screenplay. The University also has its own film and television studios and cinemas. Famous graduates of HFF Munich include Oscar winners Caroline Link, Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck and Florian Gallenberger.

It is part of the University of Television and Film Munich’s philosophy to ensure that all instructors, whether they are professors or members of artistic/academic staff, remain actively involved in artistic or professional activities outside of teaching. This encourages an active dialogue and exchange between theory and practice that is essential to prepare students for their future careers.

Apart from more than 30 full-time instructors and 20 artistic/academic members of staff, the University welcomes around 100 guest lecturers each year. Most courses at HFF are taught in the German language. However, visiting international instructors often offer seminars and lectures in English.


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