University of Turku

Doctoral researcher/ Project researcher fixed term position at the Finnish Centre for Astronomy with ESO

2024-08-16 (Europe/Helsinki)
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The University of Turku has a unique, creative and inspirational work environment. Here you will work with top experts, pedagogues and researchers.

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The Finnish Centre for Astronomy with ESO is seeking for a fixed term Doctoral researcher/ Project researcher. The position will last until 31.8.2028 and the selected candidate can start in the position on 1.9.2024 the earliest (or upon mutual agreement) and by 1.1.2025 the latest.

The Finnish Centre for Astronomy with ESO (FINCA) is a national research institute that takes care of Finnish co-operation with the European Southern Observatory (ESO), practices and co-ordinates high quality astronomical research, and technological development work related to ESO; participates in researcher training; and promotes co-operation of Finnish universities in astronomy.

The successful applicant will join the Research Council of Finland -funded project lead by Dr. Talvikki Hovatta.

Job description

The Finnish Centre for Astronomy with ESO is seeking for a fixed term Doctoral researcher/ Project researcher in astronomy, more specifically in the field of active galactic nuclei. This work is part of a consortium project, JetOrigin, funded by the Research Council of Finland, which is a joint project between two research groups in two different universities. The selected person will analyze polarization observations conducted with the ALMA interferometer in order to study magnetic fields in the plasma jets launched by supermassive black holes. They will also compare the observations with numerical simulations and theoretical models. The position is fixed term as the main purpose is to conduct a PhD thesis during the course of the project. The selected person will get to work in a research group that has several PhD students and post docs, and works closely with the research group of Dr. Tuomas Savolainen at Aalto University Metsähovi Radio Observatory. There are also many international collaborators, and an excellent possibility to network and participate in international conferences, workshops, and schools.

Selected person can select to work at University of Turku or at Aalto University Metsähovi Radio Observatory, but the doctoral dissertation will be conducted within the PhD program at University of Turku.

Who we are looking for

The candidate must hold a master’s degree by the starting day, in astronomy, physics, or a closely related field. They are expected to be able to show independent and analytical thinking required for scientific research, and be able to work within a research team. Excellent written and oral communication skills in English are required.

The qualification requirements of the position are stated in the University of Turku Rules of Procedure:

The title of Project researcher will be used until the candidate is accepted into the doctoral program at University of Turku. For more details on the doctoral program, including language proficiency requirements, please see:


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Please read more about University of Turku as an employee from our Come work with us! pages.

The European Commission has awarded the University of Turku the right to use the HR Excellence in Research logo. The logo is a token of the University's commitment to continuous development of the position and working conditions of researchers according to the guidelines set forth in the European Charter for Researchers. 

The university offers good support and orientation for international hires. Please learn more about the Finnish culture and relocation to Finland:

Salary and trial period

The salaries are determined in accordance with the University salary system for teaching and research personnel. It consists of a task-specific salary component and a personal performance salary component. The task-specific salary component of a Doctoral researcher and Project researcher is at level 2–4. The personal performance component, added on top of the task-specific base salary is also paid. For a Doctoral researcher/ Project researcher, the salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience and will be approximately 2400–3300 €/month, depending on the progress of the doctoral project.

The position has a probationary period of six months.

How to apply

Applications must be submitted by 16 August 2024 (16:00 EEST) at the latest via the electronic application form of the University of Turku but we will start reviewing and interviewing candidates immediately. However, all applications will be reviewed and the decision will be made after the application period has ended.

This job announcement can be found from the University of Turku recruitment page:

Applications in English must include:

  • a CV
  • a list of relevant publications
  • a motivation letter (max. 2 pages)
  • at least 2 letters of recommendation from the Master’s thesis supervisor or another referee familiar with the applicant's work must be arranged to be sent directly to Talvikki Hovatta, talvikki.hovatta(at) 

We encourage applications from candidates irrespective of nationality, gender, or background.

Further information

For more information on the position, contact Dr. Talvikki Hovatta, talvikki.hovatta(at)

For more information on the application process, contact HR-specialist Saija Marjasto, saija.marjasto(at), available from 6 August 2024.

Finnish Center for Astronomy with ESO

FINCA - Finnish Centre for Astronomy with ESO practises and co-ordinates Finnish high quality research in fields of astronomy with European Southern Observatory (ESO) and promotes technological development work related to ESO.

The University of Turku is an inspiring and international academic community of 25,000 students and staff in Southwest Finland. We build a sustainable future with multidisciplinary research, education, and collaboration. With us, your work will have a significant impact and relevance in the changing world.

See our open vacancies

HR Excellence in Research Logo

Information for the applicant

The application form cannot be saved as a draft. However, after submitting you can return to edit your application via the link you receive by email. The application can be edited until the application deadline.

You have 6 hours to complete your application before the timeout.

Instructions for submitting a job application


Doctoral researcher/ Project researcher fixed term position at the Finnish Centre for Astronomy with ESO
Vesilinnantie 5 Turku, Finnland
2024-08-16 16:00 (Europe/Helsinki)
2024-08-16 15:00 (CET)
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Über den Arbeitgeber

The University of Turku has a unique, creative and inspirational work environment. Here you will work with top experts, pedagogues and researchers.

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