Ifremer - French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea

PhD Thesis in Coastal Ecology/Biogeochemistry: Carbon Cycle: state and future of Seagrasses in the face of Climate Change (C2SC2) (H/F)

2024-09-29 (Europe/Paris)
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The deadline for submitting applications is 29th September 2024.

The PhD student will be mainly hosted by the LER-PC laboratory of the COAST unit of Ifremer and the LIENSs laboratory (UMR 7266 LRU – CNRS) of La Rochelle University and will interact closely with the LER-LR laboratory of the same unit of Ifremer.

COAST's main mission is to study the functioning and trajectories of coastal ecosystems in the face of the multiple pressures they are subjected to in order to contribute to their conservation and restoration.

The LER-PC laboratory provides its scientific and technical expertise on marine and estuarine ecosystems, integrating the quality of coastal waters and shellfish resources as well as the biological and physicochemical processes and carbon fluxes associated with terrestrial-aquatic-atmospheric exchange interfaces.

The LER-LR laboratory is interested in observing and understanding the functioning of coastal ecosystems, particularly lagoon ecosystems. Among the topics covered, the laboratory strives to characterize processes involved in the response of environments to pressures in the context of climate change.

The LIENSs laboratory integrates the skills of many disciplines ranging from environmental sciences to human sciences, particularly studying the functioning of the coastal system, its evolution in a context of global change and increasing urbanization of the coastal zone, its use and sustainable exploitation.

PhD Thesis summary

Marine phanerogam beds represent one of the key habitats within coastal ecosystems and are among the most productive systems on Earth. These are now subject to significant and rapid environmental changes (i.e. eutrophication, increasing temperatures, introduced species, storms, etc.) resulting from increasing anthropogenic pressures in coastal areas and which are all factors causing the regression of seagrass beds on a global scale. This thesis project, funded and associated with the ongoing La Rochelle Territoire Zéro Carbone project (2019-2027), focuses on the current and future role of eelgrass beds in the carbon cycle in the face of climate change. Its objectives are divided into three research areas with i) the study of the dynamics of carbon exchanges in the short (diurnal, tidal), medium (seasonal) and long (annual, inter-) terms via original and innovative in situ measurement approaches at different spatial scales, ii) the study of the different biological compartments and associated trophic networks contributing to the carbon balance of the system via dedicated laboratory analyses and iii) the study of the influence of finely chosen environmental scenarios using innovative experimental approaches (mesocosms in controlled conditions) compared to the acquired in situ data that can inform us about the state and future of seagrass beds in a context of climate change.

Profil recherché

Desired profile

  • Master 2 or Engineer in Environment, Biology, Ecology, Micrometeorology, Biogeosciences applied to the coastal environment (marine phanerogam seagrass beds, intertidal mudflats).
  • Knowledge of biogeochemical and ecological processes structuring the dynamics of coastal ecosystems (marine phanerogam beds, intertidal mudflats).
  • Interest in interdisciplinarity, particularly between biogeochemistry, ecology and micrometeorology.
  • Good knowledge of data processing, statistical tools and programming (e.g. R, python, etc.) associated with environmental data.
  • Mastery of GIS cartographic processing tools.
  • Field experience, laboratory analyses and sensor manipulation. Experience in mesocosms would be a plus.
  • Fluency in English (read, spoken, written).

Informations utiles

  • Localisation La Tremblade - 17, France - zone de déplacement : internationale
  • Contrat CDD - 3 ans
  • Salaire 2300,00 EUR par mois
  • Niveau de qualification Ingénieur/Cadre/Bac +5
  • Expérience - 1 an, 1 à 7 ans
  • Modalités de travail Temps complet
  • Fonction Bureau d'Etudes/R&D/BTP archi/conception, Ingénierie - Chimie/Pharmacie/Bio.
  • Secteur Secteur Energie/Environnement
  • Télétravail Occasionnel

Working conditions 

  •  Location: Charente-Maritime – 17 France, between La Tremblade and La Rochelle, travel area: national (Sète - 34) and international.
  • Contract: Fixed-term contract - 3 years.

This PhD thesis project is conducted in collaboration with the LIENSs UMR 7266 laboratory (La Rochelle University) and in particular Christine Dupuy, professor in the BIOFEEL team, which leads the blue carbon axis of the LRTZC project and in which the LER-PC (co-manager of one of the LRTZC actions, Pierre Polsenaere) and LER-LR (Vincent Ouisse) are partners and collaborate. The thesis work will be conducted within the LER-PC (in situ CO2 flux measurements, carbonate system, etc.), LIENSs (biological compartments, mesocosms, etc.) and LER-LR (benthic O2 flux, carbonate systems, mesocosms, etc.). Links between this thesis and project led by the LER-LR (C2ZO, etc.) on Mediterranean seagrass beds may also be made. Partnerships with managers and public policies (CDA, city of La Rochelle, LPO, etc.) of Charente-Maritime that already exist are also planned for this work. 

During this work, the doctoral student will benefit from:

  • supervision composed of French researchers who are recognized experts in their field and come from different research structures (University and Ifremer).
  • available and involved supervisors, who will guide him/her and allow him/her to develop his/her scientific autonomy over the 3 years.
  • funding acquired to also participate in international conferences.

A real opportunity to work on Ifremer's priority themes, the doctoral contracts offered by Ifremer give the right, for a period of 3 years, to a gross monthly lump sum remuneration equal to 2300 euros gross, not cumulative with other scholarships.

How to apply?

The application file must include (you can compile several elements in a pdf file):

  • A CV.
  • A cover letter.
  • A reference letter.
  • A transcript of records (Bachelor's degree + Master 1 and first semester Master 2) and the last report of your course.

The deadline for submitting online applications is 29th September 2024.

For the application to be admissible, it is mandatory to apply via the AUFRANDE platform: https://aufrande.eu/. However, we strongly encourage you to inform the thesis supervisors as soon as possible of your intention to apply.

Doctoral student contracts will start befor the 31st December 2024, subject to the doctoral student producing the administrative documents authorizing their recruitment by Ifremer (certificate of successful completion of the Master 2 or engineering diploma + visa for foreign doctoral students outside the EU).

Qui sommes nous ?

Ifremer 1625 route de Sainte Anne • 29280 Plouzané • France


Reconnu dans le monde entier comme l’un des tout premiers instituts en sciences et technologies marines, l’Ifremer s’inscrit dans une double perspective de développement durable et de science ouverte. Il mène des recherches, innove, produit des expertises pour protéger et restaurer l’océan, exploiter ses ressources de manière responsable, et partager les connaissances et les données marines afin de créer de nouvelles opportunités pour une croissance économique respectueuse du milieu marin.

Présents sur toutes les façades maritimes de l’hexagone et des outremers, ses laboratoires sont implantés sur une vingtaine de sites dans les trois grands océans : l’océan Indien, l’Atlantique et le Pacifique. Pour le compte de l’Etat, il opère la Flotte océanographique française au bénéfice de la communauté scientifique nationale. Il conçoit ses propres engins et équipements de pointe pour explorer et observer l’océan, du littoral au grand large et des abysses à l’interface avec l’atmosphère.

Ouverts sur la communauté scientifique internationale, ses 1500 chercheurs, ingénieurs et techniciens font progresser les connaissances sur l’une des dernières frontières inexplorées de notre planète ; ils contribuent à éclairer les politiques publiques et à l’innovation pour une économie bleue durable. Leur mission consiste aussi à sensibiliser le grand public aux enjeux maritimes.


PhD Thesis in Coastal Ecology/Biogeochemistry: Carbon Cycle: state and future of Seagrasses in the face of Climate Change (C2SC2) (H/F)
Av. de Mus de Loup La Tremblade, Frankreich
2024-09-29 23:59 (Europe/Paris)
2024-09-29 23:59 (CET)
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Ifremer conceives and operates tools for observation, experimentation and monitoring, and manage the oceanographic databases.

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